United Public Workers for Action

Lessons and Relevance of The Russian Revolution For Today & Screening of “From The Czar To Lenin”

Sunday November 12, 2017 1:00 PM
San Francisco Main Public Library

One hundred years ago, the working class through the Soviets took power in Russia. The revolution had reverberations throughout the world including in the US, California and the bay area. While the Democratic Party politicians today are wailing about the role of Putin and Russia, the US government actually invaded Russia with 20 other countries in 1919 to overthrow the new government. Longshore workers in Seattle also stopped the loading of rifles to Russia.
At the same time, a battle was going on within the labor movement in the US about what position the unions should take to the revolution and US capitalism. US workers today are under attack as the capitalists seek to privatize education along with all public services and destroy our unions while moving toward world war. The decline of US capitalism is also directly leading to the rise of Trump and other forces.
As the US hurtles toward world war today and growing fascist forces, the question of the relevancy and lessons of the Russian revolution is important for today.
This forum will also look at how the Russian revolution impacted working people in the US and California.


George Wright: Russia,Trump, The Decline of US Imperialism And The Danger of World War
Jack Heyman: Retired ILWU Local 10, Chair Transport Workers Solidarity Committee on US Workers And The Tasks Today
John Holmes: The Russian Revolution And It’s Impact On The Working Class and Unions In California
Steve Zeltzer: How Workers And Unions Need To Defend Their Gains and Go On The Offensive

Film showing: Screening of “From The Czar To Lenin”

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